How to make money as an artist is an important topic. And sometimes it is helpful to be reminded of the various methods of doing so to reinvigorate you to take action steps. This goes for all kinds of artists including musicians, writers and filmmakers etc.

The idea for success is to develop several different income streams. If you do this faithfully and to its full potential, your income streams could add up to being the equivalent of working a 9-5 job or even more.

Again remember, these are classic techniques of making money as an artist that have been compiled into a 6 course series. Each of the 6 courses of the series explore a facet of the moneymaking ideas for creatives.

And the good news for you is that as a reader of the NYC Create newsletter and blog posts, each week for the next 6 weeks (including today) you are going to learn at no cost to you the basics of the course series which is normally paid.

Here now are some ideas and steps to consider on how to make money as an artist through education:

• In approaching the topic of “How to Make Money as an Artist” one of the best ways to put your artistic training to work is to teach. Chances are you have passion for your art form which in turn you can pass onto your students.• In short, teaching workshops can be a revenue stream. You can teach what you know.• Depending on what kind of art you do you can specialize in teaching adults or kids or even both.• The way to get started doing workshops is to do outreach to schools as well as places where courses are taught. Send them an email that links to your portfolio of work, regardless of whether you are a musician, writer or filmmaker etc.• It’s also a good idea to detail the kinds of workshops you do and how they are structured.• Bottom line, you want to get the venue you desire to teach at to be excited about working with you.• Be sure to send out at least two emails that are spread out by at least a few weeks and on the second email give a reason for emailing, maybe something new of interest on your site that your potential future client/workshop-venue will like to see.• You should constantly be updating your online portfolio.• Needless to say, you might also want to consider doing an email newsletter, but if so be sure to make certain your are following the GDBR guidelines.• Jumping off from live workshops done in-person, there are ways to teach online. Decide if you are interested in doing online education.• One way to get online content is to film your teaching of your workshops.• Selling your courses online requires getting a payment receiving method such as PayPal.• In doing your workshops and courses you want to think outside of the box. For example, some teaching artists work with their students one on one using programs like Skype.• Again, if choosing to work with Skype you need to figure out a way to receive payments.• You can even work live with multiple students at once using webinar programs.• It’s also a good idea to lay out in advance how many sessions will be needed to learn the creative skills you are teaching.• And offer a discount if your students purchase a package of several online courses.• This technique works whether you are teaching live through a program like Skype, or are creating courses in advance through a program like Thinkific.• If you want to offer premade courses with a program such as Thinkific, you’ll want to decide what formats you will include in your courses.• Do you want your students to be able to download your course?• What formats will you use? Audio? Video? PDF? Etc.