Is This You?
Are you creative and broke? By this we mean that you are a very talented creative person, with a lot of knowledge and ability (when it comes to creating things). But, for whatever reason, you have not been able to turn your creativity into commerce?
We Get It
We understand all too well because many of us have faced the same issue. Having an abundance of being able to innovate, yet when comes to producing an income with our insights and skills, are unable to reach the next creator plateau.
It Gets Worse
One friend, who should be in Mensa, had jaw dropping powers of perception, but also had a fear of failure and the ensuing humiliation that can come from doing something such as running a business, that ends up quickly closing after having its door opened for less than a month.
The Downward Spiral
These days because of the Pandemic are causing entrepreneurs all over the USA having to have their dreams dashed with shutdown becoming a regular thing. But when our friend had this occur to him, he took it personally as a rejection, and afterwards felt very alone in a state of depression.
The Stress Was Intense
Even when we told our friend that likely it was due to Covid variant increasing its reach, he still processed the experience that could have done well if a “real” businessperson had done the venture instead of him.
That Was the Turning Point
It occurred to me shortly thereafter was that the issue was especially shattering for him because he saw himself as a creative individual who didn’t quite get the whole “business thing.” Creative people excel in generating ideas, but sometimes it is difficult for some to do, say, math for instance. Anyway, through this thought process I came up with an idea to help him get out of the gloom and doom.